Going into most of my races (No Name 50 included) I always seem to be armed with a myriad of excuses of why I am not going to do good or why I am going to fail. I am undertrained, injured, sick or still feeling the effects from a previous race, I tell everyone that I am just going to go out there and do my best; go out there and have fun (which is the truth). I think a lot of my hesitations to display any confidence in my abilities as a runner is because I have had a lot of success lately, I guess I am waiting to have a bad race (like everyone does eventually, even the best of runners). Maybe my "plateau" as a runner is coming and I wont do any better/worse? The past three or four years I have seen lots of improvements in my running and I have trained harder/put in more miles, but I feel this past year I haven't done anything different or more than I've done in the past. The more work you put into something the more you get out of it right? So by me not working any harder I should probably hit that "plateau", logically?
Anyways this is the best way I can describe how I felt going into No Name 50K, I also had the added pressure of being last years winner, I have to defend my title right? What is that title anyways? King no name? The champion without a name? Having brother Keith and Moises Avelar there at the starting line I knew I had my work cut out for me. What a perfect day for running, it was overcast the entire time, the trails were in good condition and were well marked. Aid station were top notch as usual and my mustache made perfect for intimidating the competition (or maybe just creep them out)!
The more I run races at different lengths the more I learn what works best for me, I know I can push the 50K distance pretty hard. My plan to run at a fast pace from the start paid off for me well as I avoided a pileup going into the first single track climb and it won me a Naked Racing Band for making it to Shepard's Flat in first. I think some of the other runner assumed I was a 30K runner or that I was going to run out of steam (bang my face into the proverbial wall). But I didn't, I have a uncanny ability to push through the pain at the end of races and dig deep, I embrace the pain.
After I made it through the China Flat; Simi Peak area of the race, I was all by my lonesome, this is no new concept for me, I run alone all the time, a lot of times I actually prefer to run alone. But not in a race, a race should be exactly that, a RACE, I enjoy going head to head with other runners, the strategies of where to my save legs, when to surge and push all help me to run a faster race. Running with others, running scared, running to keep up, you find out your weakness's and strengths when your running head to head with other people. Its easy to just lay back and not give it your all when you know you don't have to, you can just take it easy and run to the finish when it just feels like another training run.
I really do love the feeling of the hurt you get pushing through the last miles of a tough effort during a race. Pushing hard all the way to the finish even though you don't really need to, it feels good! Descending down the final hill into the finisher shoot, I was looking for Desirae but she was no where to be seen, turns out she got lost trying to make her way to the trailhead. Desirae and Connor show up a few minutes after and we wait for Keith to cross the finish line, we didn't need to wait very long as Keith crosses the finish line a few second over 5 hours!
So what is the real point of all this random babble? I did say I was going to tell you what I learned from this race so here goes. #1: I need to stop making excuses for my running, start believing in myself and my training, I need to be more confident in my abilities as a runner. #2: Run your own race, don't worry about other peoples plans or strategies, learn what works for you and go with it. People are always going to tell you how best to run, fuel, shoes, finish, dress, stay cool etc.... Advice is good don't get me wrong, but what works for someone else doesn't necessarily mean its going to work for you, there is no substitute for experience or practice. #3: Just because there is no one around to race/push you to the finish doesn't mean your not racing or that you shouldn't push hard. Your competition is not only with other runners on the course but with the clock, the course and with yourself. #4: Keith is F***ing fast and I need to watch my ass in upcoming races, my bro is going to beat me soon!
As I move forward to close out this year of running I have one more "big" event to go.. The North Face 50 Mile Championship race. All of the top runners will be running in this race to compete for a $10,000 prize purse, while I have no hopes of even coming close to the finishing times from the likes of Max King or Sage Canaday it will be nice to "mingle" with the pros. I was lucky enough to qualify for the elite start and toe the line with the greatest endurance runners out there. So my ultimate goal is to make a good showing for anyone who might be watching, read between the lines-not make a fool of myself. If I was to put a time on it I would say i hope for a sub 8hr finish. I love the trails in Marin county so I just want to enjoy what they have to offer. After taking a week off after No Name to recover a little I plan on doing three weeks of higher mileage and elevation gain to get my body ready for the tough climbs I will be encountering at TNF 50.

Yet again a special thanks goes out to my lovely wife Desirae and my always smiling boy Connor, thanks for always being there to support me! Big thanks to Erica Gratton for putting on another fun and flawless race! Thanks to all the volunteers, without you the race would not be possible! Last but not least, thank you to the companies there helping out; Love love my Oofos, if you don't have a pair, get some heaven for your feet! Ojio got the best of the good for you nutrition, if you want to be your best, feed your body the best! Naked Race Band, cant wait to try my belt out for The North Face 50! Experience the joy that is the Joi Café, vegan or not their food is delicious! Look out Marin Country, Brett and I are on our way, till then a beer to celebrate and a trail to run..